Republicans, Fox News and Right Wing Media are Helping America’s enemies, Foreign and Domestic.They are weaponizing lies, fear, conspiracies and propaganda against the American people in an attempt to create a civil war. Republicans, Fox News and right wing media are Russia’s best weapon to destroy America.
A. B. Man III
Republicans, Fox News and right wing media lies, conspiracies and propaganda are used as propaganda by are enemies both foreign and domestic. Foreign and domestic enemies use the lies from Republicans, Fox News and right wing media as propaganda to promote their agenda and attack our way of life. Republicans, Fox News and right wing media claimed to be Americans while they attack everything America stand for.
When Republicans attacked our capitol and wanted to kill Americans who they disagreed with, Republicans, Fox News and right wing media called them peaceful protesters and tourists. Most of us have been tourists, some of us have been peaceful protesters who did not attack anyone or nor did they want to kill anyone, that not what tourists or peaceful protesters do.
Republicans, Fox News and right wing media are helping Russia destroy America from within. The lies, conspiracies and propaganda from the right will get people killed. It may start a civil war that is what some on the right want. Bullets and bombs do not care about what you stand for or if you are a democrat or republican. Any American who wants to destroy America is our enemy. America will not win a civil only our enemies will. How many American will die because of the lies of Republicans, Fox News and right wing media?