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After stealing 2 Supreme Court picks and packing over 200 judges Republicans are accusing the Democrats of court packing is hypocritical but that is the Republican way do what we say not what we do.
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Sunday 11 Oct 2020 ·  10:00
Tags: #trump#MoscowMitch#McConnell#Republicans#SupremeCourt.#judges
After stealing 2 Supreme Court picks and packing over 200 judges Republicans are accusing the Democrats of court packing is hypocritical but that is the Republican way do what we say not what we do.

A. B. Man III
Updated 10/17/2020

Once again, McConnell and Republicans are showing they are the party of hypocrites and do not care what the Americans people care about or who they vote for. It is sad and hypocritical but standard operation practice of Republicans to accuse the Democrats of something that have done or will do. Republicans are accusing Democrats of court packing when they refused to allow Obama’s court picks then outright stole two Supreme Court picks from the American people to pack the Supreme Court while packing the court system with over 200 judges some of whom are not qualified to be on the bench.

First Moscow McConnell blocked Obama’s court picks then McConnell made up a lie 10 months before an election "leave it to the people" to steal Obama Supreme Court pick now less than 30 days from an election Moscow Mitch wants to fill a Supreme Court opening. What happen to "leave it to the people" can you say Moscow Mitch is a hypocrite, can you say coup d’état. After blocking Obama picks to the court system Moscow Mitch packs the court system with over 200 right-wing judges who are not qualified to be judges. Here is the thing the people had put Obama in place so they had already decided that the pick would be Obama’s. However, McConnell with 10 months to go outright stole that pick by refusing a hearing on Obama’s pick while saying it was up to the American people disregarding the fact that the American people put that out Obama in office to make that pick. Now less than 30 days from an election Moscow Mitch would fill a Supreme Court opening. What happen to "leave it to the people" can you say Moscow Mitch is a hypocrite.

Four years ago, McConnell and Republicans said it should be up the American people now with the election less than 30 days away McConnell and Republicans are refusing to wait on the vote of the American people just the opposite of what McConnell and the Republicans said 4 years ago. McConnell and Republicans after packing the court system with over 200 judges they are pushing a vote to pack the Supreme Court while accusing the Democrats of what they are doing and have done. McConnell and Republicans are accusing the Democrats of what they have been doing for the last years even though the Democrats have not done anything yet. Once again, Republicans are showing just how hypocritical they are and how little they care about what the American people want or who they vote for.

Instead of doing the business of the American people, McConnell and Republicans have been busy packing the courts. There are over 400 bills on McConnell desk that he has refused to address that would help the American people; instead, he is more interested in packing the court system. McConnell has blocked everything from legislation to help unemployed workers to a bipartisan background check bill for gun sales. Moscow Mitch is not helping the American by packing the court system while refusing to pass bill that actually help the American people.

McConnell and Republicans do not give a shit about everyday Americans or their vote they only care about the rich and business. McConnell and Republicans have packed the court to protect businesses and rich people not every day Americans. Republicans have passed laws and give out money that helps the rich and business but are refusing to pass laws that will help everyday Americans and states that need money because of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. Here the thing businesses do not succeed without employees and consumers, if people do not have jobs or money they cannot support the businesses McConnell and Republicans have tried to prop up. Americans need to wake up and vote all hypocritical Republicans out of office before they destroy any more of our country.

History is a funny thing they say winners write the history, which may be true at the time it is written however, history is, always updated with the facts as they come out. As the facts come out and the history about Moscow Mitch is re-written about how he wanted to make Obama, a one-term president at the expense of the American people. In addition, how he deprived Obama of his court picks and his Supreme Court pick the question will be answered was he trying to deprive a black man from his place in history?

First blocked Obama’s court picks then McConnell made up a lie 10 months before an election "leave it to the people" to steal Obama Supreme Court pick can you say coup d’état. Then he after blocking Obama picks to the court system Moscow Mitch packs the court system with 218 right-wing judges who are not qualified to be judges. Now less than 30 days from an election Moscow Mitch would fill a Supreme Court opening. What happen to "leave it to the people" can you say Moscow Mitch is a hypocrite. more...

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McConnell has blocked everything from legislation to help unemployed workers to a bipartisan background check bill for gun sales. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has made pushing through Donald Trump's judicial nominees almost his singular focus of the past two years, confirming Trump's court picks at a rapid clip while blocking a slew of bills the Democratic-controlled House has passed. Now, less than six weeks before the presidential election, McConnell has vowed to ram through a Supreme Court nominee to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — prioritizing filling the seat over helping Americans struggling to find work in the midst of the coronavirus-fueled economic depression. more...

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Senate Republicans’ decision to vote on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s successor reflects individual and collective cost-benefit calculations of seating a rock-ribbed conservative in what may be the Trump administration’s waning days. As a fig leaf to obscure the hypocrisy of voting on President Trump’s election-year nominee after refusing to vote on President Obama’s in early 2016, Republicans have claimed an historical norm that doesn’t exist.

The GOP Senate’s initial claim
In March 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried to justify denying a vote on Obama’s nomination of DC Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia: “All we are doing is following the long-standing tradition of not fulfilling a nomination in the middle of a presidential year.”

There is no such tradition. The table shows the nine Supreme Court vacancies in place during election years in the Court’s post-Civil War era—once Congress stabilized the Court’s membership at nine and the justices largely stopped serving as trial judges in the old circuit courts. Those nine election-year vacancies (out of over 70 in the period) were all filled in the election year—one by a 1956 uncontested recess appointment and eight by Senate confirmation.

The GOP Senate’s revised claim
Last year, given the lack of any “long-standing tradition” but anticipating the possibility of an election-year vacancy, McConnell fabricated a different history to justify treating a Trump nominee differently from Obama’s. He argued that “[y]ou have to go back to … 1880s to find the last time … a Senate of a different party from the president filled a Supreme Court vacancy created in the middle of a presidential election. That was entirely the precedent.” When that anticipation became reality with the death of Justice Ginsburg, he offered a slightly different excuse: “Since the 1880s, no Senate has confirmed an opposite-party president’s Supreme Court nominee in a presidential election year”. A National Review article claimed a norm: “when their party controls the Senate, presidents get to fill Supreme Court vacancies . . . [but] when the opposite party controls the Senate, the Senate gets to block Supreme Court nominees . . .”. more...

The Thurmond Rule that previously cut off confirmations likely a relic
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A ghost from the old Senate that haunts the chamber’s judicial confirmation fights seems to be disappearing from the floor this year — and might be fading away for good. At about this time during presidential election years, senators have invoked the so-called Thurmond Rule, an unwritten agreement that calls for the chamber to stop approving circuit court nominations in the few months before Election Day. Named after the late South Carolina Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond, senators from both sides have used it to block action on a president’s appeals court picks. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, for instance, cited the rule on June 13, 2012, as reason to halt judicial nominations at the end of President Barack Obama’s first term. McConnell was minority leader at the time. more...

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It is no coincidence or surprise that a president who would retweet “white power” messages and lace his administration with white nationalists would choose to relentlessly repopulate the federal courts with white men. Donald Trump has accomplished this, loudly and proudly, with the help of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican, who has traded in his constitutional obligation to undertake robust legislative oversight over executive branch action for the chance to stack the judiciary with life-tenured ideologues loyal to conservative causes. It is a trade-off the American people will be suffering from for decades to come. more...

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