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Candace Owens you are a sellout and a disgrace to black people you protect your white masters while you attack black victims.
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Sunday 07 Jun 2020 ·  30:30
Candace Owens you are a sellout and a disgrace to black people you protect your white masters while you attack black victims.
Candace Owens you should be ashamed of yourself you are using the same tactics that lawyers use to get rapist and police off attack the victim.

A.B. Man III

Your victim-blaming attacks are shameful they remind one of how lawyers get rapist and police off by blaming the victims. Blaming the victims does not excuse or justify what was done to the victims no matter how you spin it. No one is judge and jury and no one has the right to take someone’s life for something they may or may not have done that is up to the courts not the police nor citizens. Police are not judge and jury and do not have a right to kill black people that is not their job, their job is to protect and serve. White people cannot take the law into their own hands and kill black people that is against the law. There are times that killing someone may be justified, to protect your life or the life of someone else, but killing unarmed people who do not pose a threat is murder plain and simple.

Police did arrested George Floyd 9 times, mostly on minor drug and theft charges. At least one of of crimes the police officer likely lied when he arrested George Floyd on a minor drug offense. George Floyd committed his last crime 13 years ago; he served his time in jail for what he did and was trying to turn his life around. George Floyd made some mistakes and he paid for it when he went to jail. Derek Chauvin had 18 complaints against him before he killed George Floyd. Derek Chauvin had twice the number of complaints against him as George Floyd had arrest. A police officers job is to protect and serve citizens not threaten them, not beat them and not kill them. If a police officer has more than five complaints against him or her that should be a warning sign that maybe they should not be a police officer. The fact is Derek Chauvin had 18 complaints against him it was only a matter of time before he harmed someone. Any police office with 18 complaints is a ticking time bomb Derek Chauvin should have been fired before he killed George Floyd. Most jobs you are fired after 3-5 complaints police officers are the only job you could have 18 complaints and still have a job. We should not have to fear police officers, police officers are supposed to protect and serve citizens not threaten, beat and kill them. How many times have police claimed in the police report one thing only for a video to come out that contradicts everything in the police report. You have to wonder how many police reports are lies to protect bad police officers. They like to say that only a small number of police officers are bad but when you talking about 800,000 police officers around the country that is a lot of bad police officers. The percentage of bad police officers is said to be around 3.5 percent out of 800,000 police officers that is 28,000 bad police officers. Personally, I believe the number to higher but that just me.

You called Ahmaud Arbery a trespasser, trespassing does not give anyone the right to take a life. No one should be killed simply for trespassing. What about the white people who also went into the building you did not call them out for trespassing and they were not killed or attacked for trespassing. The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr may sicken you shows you are hard at work for your white masters, it is not about what he did in his life but how his life was ended. I am sure George Floyd would rather be alive than a martyr but he was not given that choice. It is not about whom Ahmaud Arbery or George Floyd was or what they may have done, it is about how and why another Black man was killed simply because of the color of his skin.

You are right you are not slave to Democratic Party but you are a slave to Republican Party. You do your masters in the Republican Party proud when you attack and blame the black victims for their own deaths. Maybe you believe what you say; maybe you are doing it for the money only you know your reasons. You trying to convince black people that Republican Party is better for them is far from true.

I for one understand what Biden meant about black people voting for Republicans. A black person voting for Republicans goes against ones self-interest. The Democratic Party is not the party that is suppressing black people’s right to vote that would be your party the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is not the party that is promoting racism and hate that would be your party the Republican Party. The Republican Party, your party is the party that is suppressing black people right to vote and destroying the social safety net that helps many black people.

Why would any black person be in a party that is trying to take away the right of black people to vote? Denying black people’s right to vote is voter fraud plain and simply. Black people have died for the right to vote and your party the Republican Party is trying to suppress that right. Why would any black person be in a party that is destroying the social safety net that helps many black people? Why would any black person be in a party that continually shows it is the party of racism and hate? Members of the Republican Party are constantly prompting racism and hate while defending people who are racist and promote hate. The Republican Party is the party of closet racist. I have lost count of the number of times that members of your party the Republican Party have been caught sharing racist information to one another. The bolder Republicans promote and protect racism and hate on public platforms while claiming not to be racist. You cannot claim you are not racist if you promote or defend prompting racism and hate. If you promote or defend prompting racism and hate, then you are a racist or a racist enabler.

A person who defends or promotes racism and hate is racist or a racist enabler. A person who defends the killing of unarmed black people is racist or a racist enabler. Black people expect some white people to promote racism and hate against black people that is a given in America. When Black people support racism and hate against black people it reminds one of Uncle Tom. I would call Candace Owens an Uncle Tom but that would be unfair to Uncle Tom as he may have done it to stay alive and not be beaten, he did not do it to make a buck. Intended or not people who promote or defend racism and hate against black people enable more racism and hate against black people. You may or may agree but this is my opinion of Candace Owens.

Protect Our Police PAC said it fired a national marketing firm that sent the plea for donations, calling it “tactless messaging” that “does not reflect the values or views” of the group.
Chris Brennan

A group of retired Philadelphia police officers apologized Friday for a Thursday fund-raising email that blamed George Floyd for his own death and claimed former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is on “trial for a murder he did not commit.” Protect Our Police PAC said it fired a national marketing firm that sent the plea for donations, calling it “tactless messaging” that “does not reflect the values or views” of the group. “Chauvin’s actions were examples of bad policing and poor training that directly caused George Floyd’s death, in my opinion,” Protect Our Police president Nick Gerace said in an email. “The kind of messaging and innuendo included in that single email is not in line with our mission, and I vehemently denounce it.” more...

If you are a person of color or call yourself an American, supporting the Republican Party is doing so against your own self-interest and against the best interest of our country.
A. B. Man III

As a person of color, why would you support a party that is actively using alternative facts, voter suppression, voter intimidation, gerrymandering, hate, fear and racism against of people of color? As a person of color, why would you support a party of racist and white supremacist, some of which want to kill you? Racist and white supremacist want to kill people of color, law enforcement offers and those who disagree with them, as an American why would you support that. Black people have died for the right to vote, supporting a party that is using voter suppression, voter intimidation, hate, fear and racism against black people and people of color is disrespecting all the people of color who gave up their lives so you could vote. As a person of color, why would you support a party that uses people of color as the boogieman to scare white people into voting for them? As an American why would support that?

Make no mistake about it this not the age of Lincoln it is the age of Trump and in the age of Trump the Republican Party has become the party of corruption, alternative facts, voter suppression, voter intimidation, gerrymandering, hypocrites, hate, fear, racism and white supremacist. The Democratic Party is no longer the Party of racist and white supremacist, the Republican Party is. The Democratic Party is not using alternative facts, voter suppression and voter intimidation, hate, fear, racism against of people of color, the Republican Party is. The programs that democrats try to protect and enhance are programs that help people of color, the middle class and the poor while the Republicans are actively trying to destroy any programs that help people of color, the middle class and the poor. The system crashes from time to and we all need help when it does if Republicans have their way there will be no help for people of color, the middle class and the poor the next time the system crashes. more...

Owens rails against identity politics despite the fact that her Blackness is the only reason she’s become such an elevated figure within the GOP.
Kali Holloway

Candace Owens’ BLEXIT Foundation—founded to give people the false impression that Black voters are abandoning the Democratic party en masse for Republicanism—reportedly put together Saturday's campaign event thinly disguised as an official government function, where Donald Trump spoke to a pro-police Black and Latinx audience from the Truman Balcony during what was in effect his first in-person rally since his trip to Walter Reed. Two thousand people were reportedly invited to hear his “Remarks to Peaceful Protesters for Law & Order,” but many of the few hundred who showed up had their travel and lodging costs paid by Owens’ group, which described the official White House event as a “HUGE outdoor rally,” ABC reported Saturday morning.

The problem is, every time they align with Candace Owens, white Republicans prove just how uninterested they truly are in making inroads with Black folks. It’s tempting to chalk up their use of Owens—a conservative Black woman who carries no water with the vast majority of Black voters—as a consequence of white conservatives’ ignorance about Black folks’ most pressing concerns. But that’s far too generous an assessment of a ploy that’s as tired as it is sinister. Owens isn’t actually there to be white conservatives’ emissary to the Black community. Rather, she’s a tool of racist propaganda and deflection—a Black mouthpiece who propagates and validates anti-Black talking points, while exploiting her own race to shield white racists, like Trump, from charges of racism. more...

By Dahleen Glanton Tribune News Service

Minutes before he encountered police on a Minneapolis street, George Floyd was just another flawed human being. To some, he was even less than that because he was black.

Nothing about him — not the way he looked or the way he carried himself — offered a clue that he could become one of the biggest social justice symbols of our time. Few would have noticed this large black man, wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt and sweatpants, walking toward them and decided that he was worthy of knowing.

60 Minutes

A small Texas town saw 13% of its black population arrested and charged with dealing cocaine. But a state judge in 2003 said the investigator behind the arrests was "the most devious, non-responsive law enforcement witness this court has witnessed in 25 years on the bench in Texas."

Joshua Bote USA TODAY

Transcripts released of body camera footage reveal an extended account of the moments leading up to George Floyd's death, an abridged clip of which set into motion months of ongoing protests against anti-Black racism and police violence. In the exchange, Floyd appears to be deferential to officers as he pleads to not be put in a squad car and instead be restrained on the ground, repeatedly telling them that he has claustrophobia and anxiety and is not carrying a weapon. He told officers he couldn't breathe nearly 30 times. "I'll do anything, I'll do anything y’all tell me to, man," he tells officers early into the transcript. "I'm not resisting, man. I'm not!" Footage from police body cameras used by Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng — as well as transcripts from both cameras — was released Wednesday as part of former officer Thomas Lane's plea to dismiss charges of aiding and abetting Derek Chauvin, who is charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter after pinning Floyd's neck down and asphyxiating him with his knee for more than eight minutes.

Louis Baudoin-Laarman, AFP USA

Facebook posts show a photo of an injured woman alongside the claim that she was kidnapped and beaten by George Floyd and several accomplices. This is false; the image shows an American student who posted online about being sexually assaulted in Spain. “Let’s make the real George Floyed famous,” one Facebook user wrote in a June 11, 2020 post featuring a photo of a young woman whose face is covered in bruises and blood. The post claims that the woman’s name is Aracely Henriquez, and that she was attacked by Floyd and five accomplices who were looking for drugs and money in her home.

Black people are being murdered and brutalized by police with near impunity. Act with us to end police brutality, demand racial justice, and defend our right to protest. Your donation will fuel our legal battles and urgent advocacy efforts.

According to new research, reassigning police officers with a history of misconduct makes it more likely that their new peers will also misbehave.
ByKatherine J. Wu

Nearly five years after fatally shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald in October 2014, former Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke is now serving a seven-year prison sentence on a conviction of second-degree murder. But firing 16 bullets at a black teenager holding a knife was likely far from Van Dyke’s first offense. Since he began policing in 2001, at least 25 separate complaints have been filed against Van Dyke by civilians and fellow officers, most involving excessive force. Prior to the most recent charges, none of these allegations resulted in disciplinary action, leaving Van Dyke in the employ of the Chicago Police Department until he was stripped of the position during indictments. Van Dyke’s case is extreme. But his trajectory wasn’t anomalous. Rather than being fired, officers accused of stealing, lying, mistreating civilians, or otherwise abusing their power are often allowed to retain their roles as public servants, with some rerouted into new positions in the force as a reprimand for bad behavior. Now, new research published today in the journal Nature Human Behavior suggests that retaining misbehaving officers in police organizations may have far worse consequences than leaving accusations unaddressed: It could actually propagate misconduct itself.

In 2019, USA TODAY led a national effort to publish disciplinary records for police officers. George Floyd's death has renewed calls for transparency
By John Kelly, and Mark Nichols, USA TODAY

At least 85,000 law enforcement officers across the USA have been investigated or disciplined for misconduct over the past decade, an investigation by USA TODAY Network found. Officers have beaten members of the public, planted evidence and used their badges to harass women. They have lied, stolen, dealt drugs, driven drunk and abused their spouses. Despite their role as public servants, the men and women who swear an oath to keep communities safe can generally avoid public scrutiny for their misdeeds. The records of their misconduct are filed away, rarely seen by anyone outside their departments. Police unions and their political allies have worked to put special protections in place ensuring some records are shielded from public view, or even destroyed. Reporters from USA TODAY, its affiliated newsrooms across the country and the nonprofit Invisible Institute in Chicago spent more than a year creating the biggest collection of police misconduct records. Obtained from thousands of state agencies, prosecutors, police departments and sheriffs, the records detail at least 200,000 incidents of alleged misconduct, much of it previously unreported. The records obtained include more than 110,000 internal affairs investigations by hundreds of individual departments and more than 30,000 officers who were decertified by 44 state oversight agencies.

Among the findings:

Most misconduct involves routine infractions, but the records reveal tens of thousands of cases of serious misconduct and abuse. They include 22,924 investigations of officers using excessive force, 3,145 allegations of rape, child molestation and other sexual misconduct and 2,307 cases of domestic violence by officers. Dishonesty is a frequent problem. The records document at least 2,227 instances of perjury, tampering with evidence or witnesses or falsifying reports. There were 418 reports of officers obstructing investigations, most often when they or someone they knew were targets. Less than 10% of officers in most police forces get investigated for misconduct. Yet some officers are consistently under investigation. Nearly 2,500 have been investigated on 10 or more charges. Twenty faced 100 or more allegations yet kept their badge for years. The level of oversight varies widely from state to state. Georgia and Florida decertified thousands of police officers for everything from crimes to questions about their fitness to serve; other states banned almost none.

By Tom Jackman

So far this month, two New York City police commanders have been arrested on corruption allegations, an officer in Killeen, Tex., has been accused of sexually assaulting a female driver, a Philadelphia police officer has been charged with extortion of a drug dealer, and an officer in Hono­lulu has been accused of raping a 14-year-old girl. Such sporadic news accounts of police officers being arrested led one group of researchers to a question: How much crime do police officers commit?  No one was keeping track, much as no one was tracking how often police officers shoot and kill civilians, although both may involve use of police power and abuse of public trust. Now there is an answer: Police officers are arrested about 1,100 times a year, or roughly three officers charged every day, according to a new national study. The most common crimes were simple assault, drunken driving and aggravated assault, and significant numbers of sex crimes were also found. About 72 percent of officers charged in cases with known outcomes are convicted, more than 40 percent of the crimes are committed on duty, and nearly 95 percent of the officers charged are men. The study is thought to be the first-ever nationwide look at police crime, and was conducted by researchers at Bowling Green State University through a grant from the Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice. The research covered seven years, 2005 to 2011, and sought to quantify not only the prevalence of police officers arrested across the country, but also how law enforcement agencies discipline officers who are arrested and how officer arrests might correlate with other forms of misconduct.


Years before a monster cop in Minneapolis cut George Floyd’s life tragically short, Gerald Goines carried out an insidiously routine bit of police misconduct in Houston on Floyd.
By Michael Daly

Among the mourners at George Floyd’s funeral was Harris County Attorney Kim Ogg, whose office sent Floyd a letter last year saying he may have been a victim of a police injustice, long before the one that killed him. The letter is dated March 8, 2019, and was sent to 3512 Nalle St. in Houston, the last address listed in court records. His mother, Larcenia Floyd, resided there until her death on May 30, 2018. Floyd had not lived here since 2014, when he moved to Minneapolis. He may have never received the notification that addressed him not as Mr. Floyd or as George Floyd, but as he is listed in the case cited at the top of the page. Goines’ veracity in general was called into question after he was arrested last year. He was alleged to have cited a fictitious informant in securing a search warrant for a house where there was supposed drug dealing. The ensuing raid resulted in Dennis Tuttle and his wife, Rhogena Nicholas, being shot to death by police, who also killed their dog. No drugs were found. The couple seems to have been wholly innocent.

Minor drug offenses like Mr. Floyd’s aren’t cases ‘that we would accept for charges under my administration,’ Harris County district attorney says
By Erin Ailworth

Houston’s top prosecutor has concluded that a scandal-ridden former Houston police officer likely lied when he arrested George Floyd on a minor drug offense for which Mr. Floyd served time in state jail. The Harris County District Attorney, Kim Ogg, also said that due to her office’s examination of Mr. Floyd’s case it could expand a continuing investigation to examine more arrests made by Gerald Goines, who was charged with murder after a botched drug raid in 2019 in which two people were killed.

BWSTimes Social Media

By Nehemiah D. Frank, founder and editor in chief

Will somebody somewhere loosen-up Candace Owens’ extensions so her scalp can breathe and brain can think clearly? Sister-girl has lost her entire mind. Recently, the seemingly confused talking right-wing conservative stuck her bobbling head out the window, fiddled her thumbs and tweeted her political objections to the Twitter universe. Owens horrifyingly downplayed the modern-day lynching and murder of unarmed jogger Ahmaud Arbery, sending Black America’s Ancestral Queen Mother, Ida B. Wells, into a full seizure in the grave. The last words Arbery heard were “f-cking n-gger“. What’s worse? Candace did it on Mother’s Day weekend; it would be the first Mother’s Day Wanda Cooper, mother of Ahuamd, would spend mourning the death of her late son who died at the hands of racists. Here’s what the racially confused talking head said on Twitter:


In viral tweets Wednesday, political provocateurs Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk suggested that donations to the Black Lives Matter Foundation are being sent instead to ActBlue, a Democratic political committee: Daily Beast reporter Lachlan Markay pointed out that Owens’s tweets, and Kirk’s by extension, are inaccurate—while ActBlue is organized as a political committee, it acts as a nonprofit fundraising tool that serves as a conduit, rather than a collector, for donations. ActBlue’s website explains that the platform is available to “Democratic candidates and committees, progressive organizations, and nonprofits that share our values.” Such groups can incorporate an ActBlue contribution form into their websites for free—although there is a 3.95 percent processing fee on donations—allowing groups and candidates to raise funds without having to create and maintain their own secure method of receiving donations. While donations go to ActBlue initially, the group delivers the funds to the organization or candidate intended by the donor. It’s only possible for ActBlue to redirect funds if the recipient refuses a donation or doesn’t cash a check from ActBlue for 60 days. In such an instance, a donation is re-designated as a contribution to ActBlue (if earmarked for a campaign or committee), to support social welfare activities (if earmarked for social welfare organizations), or to ActBlue Charities (if earmarked for a charitable organization). In other words, even if Black Lives Matter were to refuse donations the funds would be given to another similar cause, not the Democratic Party or any political candidates. Donations can be made directly to ActBlue as well to support the organization.

Roland S. Martin

Candace Owens fresh from her release from Twitter jail posted:

"Ahmaud Arbery was caught on camera breaking into an unfinished property that was owned by Larry English.
His mother has confirmed it is him in the video.
Please stop with the “just a jogger” bullshit narrative.
Avid joggers don’t wear khaki shorts & stop to break into homes."

Social media was quick to respond to Owens' remarks and Black Conservatives joined in the condemnation of her remarks with a visceral backlash.

John Haltiwanger

Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California on Tuesday played a video of Candace Owens' controversial comments on Adolf Hitler and nationalism as the rising conservative star testified on white nationalism at the invitation of GOP lawmakers. The hearing was held by the House Judiciary Committee, and Owens was among eight witnesses on the panel. During his remarks, Lieu noted that the minority party is allowed to choose its own witnesses for such hearings. "Of all the people that Republicans could have selected, they picked Candace Owens," Lieu said. "I don't know Ms. Owens. I'm not going to characterize her. I'm going to let her own words do the talking." The California lawmaker played 30 seconds of remarks Owens made at a conference in London late last year. She said at the time that she thought the definition of "nationalism" "gets poisoned by elitists that actually want globalism — globalism is what I don't want." "Whenever we say 'nationalism,' the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler," she said. "You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler had just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine."

Rachel E. Greenspan

Conservative political commentator Candace Owens faced backlash on Twitter for propagating numerous conspiracy theories and controversial opinions related to coronavirus, ideas that appear to be giving her more attention. One of the most contentious has been her insistence that "the virus was never as fatal" as experts said, noting death projections that have been adjusted as the pandemic has spread, and that the public response has been overblown. While the main model used to predict US COVID-19 deaths did reduce its death toll prediction, Dr. Gregory Roth of the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation told CNN that the model is frequently updated based on new data, which can be an indication that social distancing measures have been successful in mitigating the spread of the virus. Owens has argued that social distancing measures have been overblown and that people should be allowed to reenter public spaces.

By Teo Armus, Meryl Kornfield and Annie Gowen

One Facebook post falsely claimed that the killing of George Floyd in police custody last month was a “staged event,” meant to rile up opposition to President Trump. Another showed a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. next to a banana — an established racist trope. And a third claimed that George Soros, the liberal billionaire, paid “white cops to murder black people” and “black people to riot because race wars keep the sheep in line.” All of these posts were shared in recent days by Republican county leaders in Texas, some of whom are now facing calls to resign from top officials within their own party, including Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and Gov. Greg Abbott, who called the posts “disgusting,” the Texas Tribune reported. The posts have unleashed a firestorm of controversy in the state of 29 million where Republicans are struggling to beat back Democratic advances in the rapidly diversifying electorate.

By Veronica Stracqualursi and Kelly Mena, CNN

Washington, DC (CNN)A Texas Republican county chairman-elect said Saturday he won't assume office amid backlash over posting a controversial image of a Martin Luther King Jr. quote with a banana in the picture. Keith Nielsen, the GOP chairman-elect in Harris County, announced in a Facebook post that he would be stepping aside and would not be taking office in August. Harris County encompasses Houston and the surrounding area. "I have spent my entire adult life supporting conservative candidates and causes and I am grateful for the thousands of supporters who have reached out to me over the last several days," Nielsen's post began. "I regret that I must step aside as Chairman-elect of the Harris County Republican Party and will not be taking office on Aug. 3rd. I will continue to stand up for the values that have made our country great...'Faith, family and freedom.' Dr. King's quote is as relevant today as when it was delivered. 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,'" he added. Earlier this week, Nielsen had posted to Facebook an image of a King quote -- "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" -- featured with a banana, according to The Texas Tribune.


LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — A Republican state lawmaker from Nebraska is blasting his party for “enabling white supremacy in our country” and calling on the state’s all-GOP congressional delegation to speak out against President Donald Trump’s inflammatory comments about minorities. Sen. John McCollister, a moderate Republican from Omaha, made the comments on Twitter late Sunday in response to weekend mass shootings in Ohio and Texas that left more than 30 dead. Officials have said the suspect in the El Paso, Texas shooting posted an online diatribe against immigrants before that shooting. In an interview Monday, McCollister said the shooting was a “tipping point” for him to call out his party, although he doesn’t plan to change his affiliation.

The party has gone from keeping Trump’s white nationalism at arm’s length to embracing it
By Ryan Bort

It’s now been more than 24 hours since President Trump told a group of congresswomen of color to “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” GOP lawmakers are still silent. As Republicans and their staffs continue to sort out the calculus of whether it’s politically expedient to issue some sort of statement distancing themselves from the president’s racism, Trump has doubled and tripled down on his attacks. “So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country,” he wrote Sunday night, presumably, again, in reference to how Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) have criticized the conditions of border facilities housing migrants. “Such disgraceful behavior,” he added. On Monday morning, he tweeted that the congresswomen should “apologize” for their “foul language” and their “horrible & disgusting actions.” A few minutes later, he called them racist.

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