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Christians were persecuted for their religion black people are persecuted for the color of their skin.
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Wednesday 03 Jun 2020 ·  3:00
Tags: blacktrumpbunkerboy
Christians were persecuted for their religion black people are persecuted for the color of their skin.

A.B. Man III

Black Americans are persecuted simply for being black. How is it that Black Americans make up only 13% of the population but are stopped, beaten, arrested, jailed and killed by police at higher rates than white people who make up 75% of the population? Too many times, we have seen Black Americans beaten or killed for petty crimes. Black Americans cannot drive a car or walk the streets without worrying they may be stopped, beaten or killed by the police or an overzealous white person for no other reason than the color of their skin.

If you are a true Christian, you know god created man and we all came from Adam and Eve so we are all brothers and sisters no matter the color of our skin. Anyone who considers himself or herself a true Christian should be able to understand what it is to be persecuted. Anyone who considers himself or herself a true Christian knows the bible is not a prop to be used for a phot op. Anyone who considers himself or herself a true Christian and saw what Trump did with the bible knows he is not Christian. In this time of chaos, if Trump were a true Christian he would have opened the bible and read from it in an attempt to claim the nation. Anyone who considers himself or herself a true Christian would support the peaceful protest. Do not blame the peaceful protesters for the ones who riot, steal and vandalize property. Anyone who considers himself or herself a true Christian and says or believes Trump was sent by god should reread the bible because you missed or misunderstood the part about false prophets.

Anyone who considers himself or herself a true American knows you have a right to peaceful protest it is your 1st amendment right to protest when you see injustice. Trump violated the 1st amendment rights of the protesters in the park so he could have a phot op. You are not a law an order president if violate peoples 1st amendment right for a photo op. If you support what Trump did to peaceful protester for a photo op you are neither a Christian nor a true American who believes in the constitution.

In religion, a false prophet is a person who falsely claims the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration, or to speak for God, or who makes such claims for evil ends. Often, someone who is considered a "true prophet" by some people is simultaneously considered a "false prophet" by others, even within the same religion as the "prophet" in question. In a wider sense, it is anyone who, without having it, claims a special connection to the Deity and sets him or herself up as a source of spirituality, as an authority, preacher, or teacher. Analogously, the term is sometimes applied outside religion to describe someone who fervently promotes a theory that the speaker thinks is false.

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