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Should Donald J. Trump be impeached?
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Monday 09 Jul 2018 ·  3:15
Tags: ShouldDonaldJ.Trumpbeimpeached?
Should Donald J. Trump be impeached?
Yes, Donald J. Trump should be impeached if Mueller finds Trump is compromised, conspired with the Russians to win the election, is a traitor or a Russian mole.

A. B. Man III

Donald J. Trump and his campaign conspired with the Russians to win the election. Donald J. Trump is a traitor and may be a Russian mole. Trump is doing Putin's work and not the work of the American people. Trump is destroying America alliances while promoting Putin and Russia. Trump is attempting to destroy the public's faith in the impartiality of the FBI, law-enforcement and intelligence communities. Trump has obstructed justice, violated the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution, conspired with others to commit crimes against the United States. Trump is destroying America and harming America’s standing in the world daily. Yes Donald J. Trump should impeached.

If you are looking for information on Donald J. Trump, you have come to the right place. Here you can find information on Trump’s time is the white house, Trump Administration scandals and corruption, before Trump got to the white, lawsuits against Trump, how Trump runs his properties, is Trump a bad businessman, is Trump is a crook, is Trump is a conman, does Trump lie and more.

Donald Trump's 8 Impeachable Offenses - Obstructing Justice, Violating the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Conspiring with Others to Commit Crimes Against the United States, and Attempting to Conceal Those Violations, Advocating Violence and Undermining Equal Protection Under the Law, Abusing the Pardon Power, Engaging in Conduct that Grossly Endangers the Peace and Security of the United States, Directing Law Enforcement to Investigate and Prosecute Political Adversaries for Improper and Unjustifiable Purposes, Undermining the Freedom of the Press.

An Article of Impeachment Against Donald J. Trump - Is serious consideration of impeachment fair? I think the answer is yes. The evidence is now quite strong that Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice. Many legal scholars believe a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime. So the proper remedy for a president credibly accused of obstructing justice is impeachment.

by John Harwood
Just as the furor over Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation subsided over the summer, two new international storms engulfed the White House. On Ukraine, President Donald Trump’s use of diplomatic pressure to damage a 2020 election rival have House Democrats poised to impeach him. On Syria, his green light for Turkey to attack American-aligned Kurdish forces has roiled Republicans, too. The simultaneous spectacles may confuse average Americans who pay scant attention to foreign affairs. In fact, they contain a common thread. In each case, the president has helped Vladimir Putin’s Russia, which has helped him for years with money and political support. They represent different chapters of the same story. The Republican president’s alignment with Moscow — unthinkable to an earlier generation’s GOP — is familiar enough to blend into the 2019 background. more...

Donald J. Trump News
If you are looking for information on Donald J. Trump, you have come to the right place. Here you can find information on Trump’s time is the white house, Trump Administration scandals and corruption, before Trump got to the white, lawsuits against Trump, how Trump runs his properties, is Trump a bad businessman, is Trump is a crook, is Trump is a conman, does Trump lie and more.

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