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Stop Lying To The American People Confederates Were Not Heroes They Were Traitors.
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Sunday 14 Jun 2020 ·  5:15
Stop Lying To The American People Confederates Were Not Heroes They Were Traitors.
The greatest lie ever told is that confederates were heroes, confederates committed treason they were not heroes they were traitors.

A. B. Man III

Confederates committed treason when they went to war with our government and attempted to divide our country so they could keep their slaves that is not noble and nothing to celebrate or honor. No other place in the world treats traitors, as heroes, only in America are confederate traitors treated as heroes. We do not celebrate the traitor Benedick Arnold why would we celebrate the traitors of confederacy who committed treason when they went to war with our government so they could keep their slaves.

The American Civil war was fought over the right to own slaves and not State rights. The State rights ruse was merely an attempt to justify slavery. There is nothing noble or honorable about committing treason or enslaving ones fellow man. The American Civil war is the only war that the loser’s monuments and beliefs are proudly on display. Only in America can traitors be treated as heroes, confederates are not heroes they were traitors who committed treason plain and simply. We do not honor Benedict Arnold who committed treason and we should not honor confederates or the confederacy who committed treason against our nation.

Confederates were American traitors who should not be honored for attacking America so they could keep slaves. Protecting the monuments of traitor’s means in some way you support what the people who committed treason against America did. We should not honor traitors; honoring traitors gives the impression that you can commit treason against America and be honored. Confederates were American traitors, treason is nothing to celebrate or honor. Confederate symbols are symbols of hate and traitors and continues to divide America. White supremacists use confederate symbols to promote hate and fear. As long as America celebrates and honors the traitors of the confederacy, we will be a divided country and never be a truly great country. Celebrating the confederacy is to dishonor true American heroes. We should not honor the traitors who fought against our country that dishonors all the great Americans who have fought and died for our country. The confederacy was a group of traitors who lost get over it so we can get past it and make an America a truly great nation.

Confederates Weren’t Patriots, They Were Traitors
And every Confederate soldier, by definition, committed treason
By Glenn Rocess

There are over one thousand seven hundred monuments to the Confederacy in America today, from the four corners of the continental United States to most of the states in between, and including several of the former Union states. The Confederate flag is commonly found almost exclusively in many white homes and businesses, as stickers on cars and trucks, and even as part of the Mississippi state flag. This is notable because America is the only nation today where those who fought a civil war against that nation are memorialized and even glorified with government approval and at the taxpayers’ expense. Those who support keeping Confederate monuments on public lands commonly make the argument that Confederates were Americans. Below is one such example of the argument:

The American Civil war was fought over the right to own slaves and not State rights. The State rights ruse was merely an attempt to justify slavery. There is nothing noble or honorable about committing treason or enslaving ones fellow man. The American Civil war is the only war that the loser’s monuments and beliefs are proudly on display. Only in America can traitors be treated as heroes, confederates are not heroes they were traitors who committed treason plain and simply. We do not honor Benedict Arnold who committed treason and we should not honor confederates or the confederacy who committed treason against our nation.

Opinion by John Avlon

(CNN) More than 155 years after the end of the Civil War, America is finally having a more complete moral reckoning with the Confederacy. The issue is the legacy of white supremacy. Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens spelled it out in a March 1861 speech: "Our new government is founded upon ... the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition." This is a matter of hate, not heritage. And today we're seeing Confederate statutes toppled across the country and Confederate flags banned from NASCAR races. Leading military figures say the time has come to rename military bases that were named after Confederate generals — even as President Donald Trump makes plain his opposition. But as the nation confronts the ugliest aspects of its history, we need to recognize that there is a fundamental difference between statues of American presidents like Abraham Lincoln and statues of American traitors like Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Progress is being made. In Charleston, South Carolina, Mayor John Tecklenburg announced Wednesday that the city would take down the statue of slavery and secession defender John C. Calhoun and put it in a museum. This is overdue and all to the good. Some of these statues were put up by the sons and daughters of Confederates, perhaps trying to find a measure of dignity in defeat while also aiming to literally recast history. Others were erected in the years after the Supreme Court ordered desegregation in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 to send a message of Southern defiance.

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