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The Republican Party is a cult masquerading as a political party
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Tuesday 17 Jul 2018 ·  3:30
Tags: TheRepublicanPartyisacultmasqueradingasapoliticalparty.
The Republican Party is a cult masquerading as a political party
Like a cult, the Republican Party expects loyalty to party above truth and loyalty to the country. Republicans defend Trump and the Republican Party at the expense of our democracy, our judicial system, our intelligence agencies and our allies.

A. B. Man III

A cult would put the cult’s interest above America’s interest. The Republican Party’s game plan is simple defend, distort, deflect when all else fails attack the truth with alternative-facts (fiction) and whataboutism. Every morning republicans across America receive the republican daily talking points for the day. Everyday republicans across America use the talking points to promote the story of the day facts or alternative-facts (fiction) they do not care they just do what they are told to do. Using Fox News and other conservative media to promote republican propaganda using alternative-facts (fiction) and whataboutism to deceive millions of Americans to promote and protect your party above the interest of America is un-patriotic and is a cult like practice. Day in day out Republicans promote alternative-facts (fiction) and whataboutism to millions of Americans not out of loyalty to America but out of loyalty to the Republican Party. A cult will ostracizes cult members who do not go along with the cult’s game plan. Republicans ostracizes their own members when they do not go along with the current party line. If a congressional representative or a Senator does not tow the party line, they will be primaried. If a republican does not tow the party line, they may be accused of not being a republican or label a RINO (Republican in Name Only). Republicans are destroying our democracy by attacking the integrity of the justice department, the FBI and our intelligence agencies to protect Trump. Republicans are putting party first protecting Trump, a traitor and mole for the Russians above protecting America. The Republican Party is not good for America we need to vote them out of office because they put party above country.

Joe Walsh says Republican Party is a 'cult' and will go straight to the voters after canceled primaries
By Chandelis Duster, CNN

Washington (CNN) Former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh said Monday his campaign will go straight to Republican voters in states where Republican parties canceled 2020 presidential primaries, saying the party has become a "cult" that "is all about washing their leaders' feet every day."
Walsh, along with Republican primary challengers former South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, criticized GOP leaders and President Donald Trump in a Washington Post op-ed on Friday on the heels of party leaders in Kansas, South Carolina and Nevada canceling their primaries in a show of support for Trump. When asked on CNN's "New Day" on Monday how he plans to challenge it, Walsh said he is going to take his campaign straight to voters. "We're going to take our campaign directly to Republican voters, and I'll add, in all 50 states, we're going to campaign in all 50 states," Walsh said. "We're going to campaign in South Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, and Kansas, because I believe if we let these Republican voters know that the President of the United States just took away their right to vote, they'll march on the headquarters of their state parties to get that right to vote back." Walsh, who voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election and is now outspoken against the Trump presidency, called Trump a "would-be dictator." "I always want to pinch myself and remind myself that this isn't Russia. I do not live in Russia. I refuse to live in Russia," more...  

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