Trump protects and defends Putin and confederate traitors while refusing to protect and defend our soldiers from Russian bounties and our citizens from the coronavirus.
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Sunday 11 Oct 2020 · 2:30
Tags: #trump, #russia, #coronavirus
Tags: #trump, #russia, #coronavirus
Trump protects and defends Putin and confederate traitors while refusing to protect and defend our soldiers from Russian bounties and our citizens from the coronavirus.
A. B. Man III
Trump has protected and defended Putin and Russia from sanctions and has sided with Putin against our intelligent agencies, our country and our allies. Putin and Russia are not our friend and do not wish us well yet Trump has continued to side with Putin and Russia over our intelligent agencies, our country and our allies. Trump has protected and defended the monuments and statues of confederate traitors. Defending and protecting the monuments and statues of confederate traitors amounts to treason.
Defending and protecting the monuments and statues of confederate traitors gives oxygen to white supremacy and traitors. Defending and protecting the monuments and statues of confederate traitors is disrespecting all Americans especially those who have fought for and died for our country. No one should protect monuments and statues of those who attacked and tried to destroy our country. Confederates may have been Americans once but they lost the right call themselves Americans when they become traitors and attacked our country.
Trump has refused to protect our soldiers from Russian bounties and has refused to call out Putin for placing bounties on the heads of our soldiers. Trump’s refusal to protect our soldiers from Russian bounties amounts to treason. A president’s job is to protect and defend our soldiers, our country and our allies. Trump is the only president I know of who defends our enemies but will not defend our country, our solders and our allies.
We need a new and better president Trump has failed to protect himself, his campaign, the white house, our citizens and our country from coronavirus. A president’s job is to protect and defend our country and our citizens from all enemies foreign and domestic. Over 201,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus so far with more deaths to come yet Trump has refused to do what is best our citizens or our country.
A president job is to defend and protect our soldiers, our citizens, our country and our allies, Trump has done just the opposite he has protected and defended our enemies and confederate traitors, while refusing to protect and defend our soldiers and our citizens. Americans need to wake up we can save our country by voting out Trump and his enablers before Trump and his enablers do any more damage to our soldiers, our citizens and our country.
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