Trump’s billion dollar boondoggle wall would not stop a 9/11 event, prevent people who overstay their visas or stop domestic terrorist.
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Friday 11 Jan 2019 · 4:15
Tags: Trump’s, billion, dollar, boondoggle, wall, would, not, stop, a, 9/11, event, prevent, people, who, overstay, their, visas, or, stop, domestic, terrorist.
Tags: Trump’s, billion, dollar, boondoggle, wall, would, not, stop, a, 9/11, event, prevent, people, who, overstay, their, visas, or, stop, domestic, terrorist.
Trump’s billion dollar boondoggle wall would not stop a 9/11 event, stop drugs, stop smugglers, prevent people who overstay their visas or stop domestic terrorist.
Why do the American people have pay for a wall that Donald J. Trump promised Mexico would pay for?
A. B. Man III
Most illegal immigrants do not come across the Mexican border they fly in on airplanes and overstay their visas; Trump’s wall would not stop that. The 9/11 terrorist did not come across the Mexican border they flew in on airplanes; Trump’s wall would not stop someone from doing it again. Americans have killed far more Americans than people who have come across the Mexican border; Trump’s wall will not stop Americans from killing more Americans. Right wing domestic terrorist have killed and terrorized far more Americans than people who have come across the Mexican border; Trump’s wall will not stop right wing domestic terrorist from killing terrorizing more Americans. Where is the outcry for Americans who have been killed or terrorized by right wing domestic terrorist?
Trump’s wall will not stop someone with a rope, a ladder or a shovel. Trump’s wall will not stop drugs or smugglers who use underground tunnels, cars, trucks, drones, airplanes or legal ports of entry. Most drugs come in from legal ports of entry Trump wall will stop that. Donald J. Trump is blackmailing congress and the American people he shut down the federal government to make the American people pay for the wall Trump said Mexico would pay for. Donald J. Trump wants Americans taxpayer to pay $60 billion dollars or more for a concrete wall he promised Mexico would pay for. Why would Donald J. Trump and the right wing want to shut down the federal government to make the American people for a wall Trump said Mexico would pay for? Trump and the GOP are going to make the Americans pay for a wall that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Should the American people pay for a wall that Donald J. Trump promised Mexico would pay for HELL NO. There are better ways to protect our border such as drones, cameras and electronic detection. Don the Con pulled has pulled a bait and switch on the American people Trump and the Republicans are playing the American people for suckers they are going to make the American people pay for the wall that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Donald J. Trump if you are as rich as you claim to be, you put up the $5 billion and get your money back from Mexico.
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As Trump pushes for a wall, authorities keep finding drug tunnels under the U.S.-Mexico border - Kristine Phillips
One tunnel is about 50 feet long, unfinished, and stretches across two countries. It starts along the drainage channels that a U.S. border town shares with Mexico, and abruptly ends underneath a parking lot in Arizona. Another one runs about 80 feet, also unfinished. Its opening was found inside an abandoned store in the Mexican border city of Nogales. A third one is about 30 feet, also found somewhere in Nogales, though it’s unclear where it starts or ends. These tunnels, which authorities suspect were built to smuggle illegal contraband or people across the border, were found within the past month, as President Trump continues to demand $5.7 billion to build a border wall between the United States and Mexico. The stalemate over Trump’s signature campaign promise has resulted in what is now the longest government shutdown in the country’s history, leaving thousands of federal workers without pay. The president has argued that building physical barriers would stave off illegal immigration and drug trafficking into the United States. But experts say these tunnels reaffirm a reality at the southern border: Drugs are trafficked into the country through multiple channels, including underground. A physical barrier, whether it’s fencing, steel slats or a concrete wall, would keep out people who are willing to play by the rules. But for those who aren’t or can’t afford to, walls are mere temporary inconveniences, said David Shirk, an international relations professor at the University of San Diego.
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