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Candace Owens is sellout; only a sellout would promote and support a racist president and a party of racist?
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Saturday 10 Oct 2020 ·  8:00
Tags: #CandaceOwens#Trump
Candace Owens is sellout; only a sellout would promote and support a racist president and a party of racist?
Republicans have shown us they are racist and are suppressing the right to vote of people of color while using people of color as a boogieman to get white people to vote why would any person of color support that.

A. B. Man III

Yes, Candace Owens is a sellout she tows the line of a party of racist and tries her best to defend racist and defend police when they kill black people. She attacks the victims when police kill black people, when you cannot defend the indefensible you attack the victim. The police are here to protect, serve and make arrest they are not judge, jury and executioner. According to the Supreme Court, police officers do not have the right to take a life when a person is not a threat. Candace Owens does not care about black people only the money she can make promoting the lies of the right, if she did care abut black people she would call out Trump and the racism of the right not defend it. Maybe I missed it but I have not heard Candace Owens call out Trump for his racism, call out white supremacists or call out racism in the Republican Party.

Trump did not want to rent to black people when he was a landlord now as president he is trying to keep black people out of the suburbs. Trump calls BLM a terrorist group but does not call out white supremacists who are actual terrorist. White supremacists have killed more American than terrorist. White supremacists have killed police officers; they even tried to kidnap a sitting governor, and possibly planned to kill her. Trump did not call them out the white supremacists, but he did attack the governor the victim.
There have been and always will be people like Candace Owens if they were being honest with you they would call out the racism of the Republican Party not defend it. If Candace Owens and people like her were being honest with you, they would not be telling you to leave the Democratic Party for the Republican Party. It is not the Democratic Party that is stealing the votes of people of color that is the Republican Party. It is not the Democratic Party that is promoting hate that is the Republican Party. It is not the Democratic Party that uses black people as the boogieman to get white people to vote that is the Republican Party. It is not the Democratic Party that destroying the security net for the poor and middle class that is the Republican Party.
There was time when the Democratic Party was the party of racist and the Republican Party was the party of Lincoln but that is no longer the case. We do not live in the time of Lincoln we live in the time of Trump and right wing media. I am not sure what alternative world Candace Owens and people like her live in but the Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln it is the party of racist and white supremacist and there leader Donald J. Trump is a racist and anti-American president.
Black Americans had better wake up people like Candace Owens are selling you out they are not trying to help you they are trying to help themselves by the money that can make promoting a party of racism and hate. Candace Owens and people like her want black people to leave the Democratic Party and go to the Republican Party, a party of racist that suppresses the vote of black people. Black people have died for the right to vote, black people should not support the Republican Party a party of racist that is actively suppressing the votes of black people and people of color. If the Republican Party changes it tune then maybe we could consider supporting them but until they do, black people and people of color should not support a party that shows its contempt for black people and people of color. Do not buy Candace Owens BLEXIT bullshit, Brexit has not workout to well for the British and BLEXIT will not work out well for black people and people of color it will dilute us as a voting block and give Republicans even more power and that is what Republican want.

If you are a person of color or call yourself an American, supporting the Republican Party is doing so against your own self-interest and against the best interest of our country.
A. B. Man III

As a person of color, why would you support a party that is actively using alternative facts, voter suppression, voter intimidation, gerrymandering, hate, fear and racism against of people of color? As a person of color, why would you support a party of racist and white supremacist, some of which want to kill you? Racist and white supremacist want to kill people of color, law enforcement offers and those who disagree with them, as an American why would you support that. Black people have died for the right to vote, supporting a party that is using voter suppression, voter intimidation, hate, fear and racism against black people and people of color is disrespecting all the people of color who gave up their lives so you could vote. As a person of color, why would you support a party that uses people of color as the boogieman to scare white people into voting for them? As an American why would support that? more...

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Candace Owens’ BLEXIT Foundation—founded to give people the false impression that Black voters are abandoning the Democratic party en masse for Republicanism—reportedly put together Saturday's campaign event thinly disguised as an official government function, where Donald Trump spoke to a pro-police Black and Latinx audience from the Truman Balcony during what was in effect his first in-person rally since his trip to Walter Reed. Two thousand people were reportedly invited to hear his “Remarks to Peaceful Protesters for Law & Order,” but many of the few hundred who showed up had their travel and lodging costs paid by Owens’ group, which described the official White House event as a “HUGE outdoor rally,” ABC reported Saturday morning. more...

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We have the receipts.
NewsOne Staff Written By NewsOne Staff

Fresh off of being snubbed by Republicans — the party to which Candace Owens has pledged her unreciprocated allegiance — the woman who once sympathized with Adolf Hitler and has repeatedly blamed Black men for getting killed by police is now resorting to publicly attacking a Black woman in order to save her sunken career from completely tail spinning down the toilet bowl of self-hating, money-chasing con artistry. As Democrats champion Black women, Owens on Sunday decided to mock Cardi B on Twitter as “illiterate” after the rapper’s recent and widely viewed interview with Joe Biden. Cardi clapped back in the realest of ways by part by mentioning how the Republican National Convention didn’t invite Owens to speak despite her devotion to all-things Donald Trump. more...

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