Donald J. Trump an American Nightmare a Russian Wet Dream.
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Saturday 05 Sep 2020 · 5:30
Donald J. Trump an American Nightmare a Russian Wet Dream.
Trump is America’s first Russian backed President and the first American President to put Russian interest before American interest. Trump is Putin’s puppet in the White House.
Trump is America’s first Russian backed President and the first American President to put Russian interest before American interest. Trump is Putin’s puppet in the White House.
A. B. Man III
Trump is a wet dream for Putin and Russia while our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves Trump is their worst nightmare and our current nightmare. Trump has corrupted most if not all federal agencies. He attacks our democracy, our institutions, and our companies and fails to protect our soldiers from Russian bounties and our people from the coronavirus while promoting and protecting Putin and the monuments of confederate traitors. Trump does not care about America, Americans or our soldiers, he only cares about himself, Putin and the tax dollars he can pocket. Trump has done more for Putin than he has done for America. Trump is Putin’s puppet in the White House doing the business of Russia while screwing America and the America people repeatedly.
Trump always sides with Putin over our intelligent agencies and our allies. Trump gave the Russians top-secret information in the White House. Trump has secret calls and conversations with Putin so we do not have a clue what other secrets Trump may have given the Russians. If the reports are true, Trump believes soldiers who died for this country are suckers and losers, are soldiers are not suckers and losers they are real patriots they are not traitors who monuments Trump try is trying to protect. Trump has failed to protect our solider from Russian bounties; instead, he calls it a hoax. When Trump calls something a hoax, you can believe it as fact. Trump calls something a hoax or he calls real news fake news in an attempt to distract and to protect himself from the truth. The Trump-Russia affair was not the hoax, the only hoax was Trump claim it was a hoax, just as his claims the Russian bounties are a hoax. The coronavirus was not a hoax. The bounties Russian are not a hoax. Trump claimed there was no Russian contact with his campaign a senate report said otherwise, “The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat.” The Russian bounties on our soldiers are not a hoax. Trump is not protecting America from Russia but he is protecting Russia from America. The job of an American president is to defend and protect America and our citizens from our enemies both foreign and domestic it is not to protect our enemies, Trump is protecting our enemies.
Trump’s attacks on our democracy, our institution, our companies, our soldiers and our people have destroyed faith in our democracy and our institutions. Trump is dividing our country daily. He has attacked the legitimacy of our elections. He failed to act quickly to protect American citizens from the coronavirus. He has corrupted and weaponized most if not all federal agencies. With Barr in place, Trump has destroyed the DOJ and uses it to attack what Trump considers enemies while protecting his friends. He has destroyed the post office to suppress the vote in an attempt to win the 2020 election. Trump will cheat; lie and steal (suppress) votes to win the election. The damage Trump has done to our democracy our institutions and his efforts to divide our country helps Putin and damages America and Americas standing in the world. None of what Trump has done is something an American president has ever done or should ever do, but it is something a Putin ally or an American enemy would do. Trump’s oath of office is to the constitution not to Putin, Russia or himself. As long as Trump is in office, Putin will have wet dreams and Americas will have nightmares. Four more years of Trump should scare the shit out of all Americans because it will be the end of America, as we know it.
America has never faced a greater threat to national security than Donald J. Trump. Republicans called out Hillary for her handling of classified material but Trump is far worse than Hillary when it comes to national security. Trump disclosed classified information to the Russians. We know what Trump has disclosed in public but we do not know what he has said in private. We do not know what classified secrets Trump may have given to the Russians or others in his private conversations and that should scare the hell out of you. Find out for yourself how great a threat to national security Donald J. Trump is.
Trump-Russia Affair
Before the Trump-Ukraine Affair there was the Trump-Russia Affair, Donald J. Trump, his son and an unknown number of people from the Trump campaign may have conspired (colluded) with the Russians to help elect Donald J. Trump. The Trump-Ukraine Affair should make you rethink the Trump-Russia Affair. The lie then was it was about adaptions the lie this time is it was about corruption.
The Trump-Ukraine Affair shows Trump is more than willing to accept help from a foreign government, which is against the law. It also shows trump is willing do anything he has to get that help and anything he has to prevent the truth from coming out. It also shows he may have conspired with the Russians to help him win the 2016 election. Last time the lie was about adaptions this time it the lie is about corruption. Donald J. Trump is abusing the power of the presidency. Donald J. Trump has corrupted the white house, the DOJ, the state department and other government departments and agencies to protect and defend Donald J. Trump. Instead of putting America and the constitution first, they are putting Donald J. Trump first.
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