First Republicans hit us with alternative facts now they hit us with alternative math.
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Saturday 10 Oct 2020 · 2:00
Tags: #coronavirus, #trumpflu, #trump
Tags: #coronavirus, #trumpflu, #trump
First Republicans hit us with alternative facts now they hit us with alternative math.
A. B. Man III
I am not sure what kind of math republicans are using to justify their response to the coronavirus but it is not the math taught in schools. In 2019, 37,000 Americans died from the flu so far in six months over 210,000 people have died from the coronavirus. So far, more than five times as many Americans have died in six months than were killed in all of 2019. That does not sound like it just like the flu at least not from the math I was taught in school. The lie that the coronavirus is just like the flu but it does not add up.
Maybe Trump, republicans and right-wing media think you are dumb. If you believe what they say then maybe you are as dumb as they think you are. The lies of Trump, republicans and right-wing media put all Americans at risk. America under Trump and republicans has become the laughing stock of the world. American makes up only 4 percent of the world’s population but makes up more than 20 percent of the cases coronavirus and 20 percent of deaths.
Republicans who claim to pro-life but are anti-mask are hypocrites and liars. Mask save lives, you are not pro-life if you are anti-mask. Not wearing a mask may or may not kill you but may kill your kids, your parents, other family members, a friend or somebody you do not even know. Herman Cain died from coronavirus that he may have gotten at a Trump event. How many people have died or will die from a Trump event or an anti-masker?
Not every American who gets the coronavirus will die but many will and many will suffer, some will suffer for months. Americans deserves better than alternative facts and alternative math. When Trump, republicans, right-wing media and anti-maskers downplay the coronavirus and lie about how dangerous it is they are knowingly putting American lives at risk and they should go to jail for homicide.
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