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God did not give us Damien the antichrist (Donald J. Trump) the devil and Russia did.
A Click A Pick
Published by A. B. Man III in Opinion · Sunday 30 Aug 2020 ·  6:00
Tags: #trmp#antichrist
God did not give us Damien the antichrist (Donald J. Trump) the devil and Russia did.
Trump is curse not a blessing if your pastor told you god sent us Trump, you should reread Matthew 7:15-20 the part about false prophets and find a new pastor as fast as you can.

A. B. Man III

Matthew 7:15-20: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Donald J. Trump is a ravenous wolf that will destroy any and everything that gets in his way to get what he wants. Trump is definitely not a man of god but more like a man of the devil. Trump has not done anything that could be considered godly or Christian like. The bible says man must follow the laws of the land Trump does not follow our laws but has in fact violated most of them and some on a daily basis. God would not have sent us someone who has lied or mislead us over 20,000 times in less than four year and violates our laws on a daily basis. God would not have sent us Trump who has corrupted our federal offices to benefit Trump.

A man of god would obey the laws of man Trump violates ours laws daily. Below is a small sample of the laws Trump has violated:

1) Trump violated our election laws when he and his campaign sought out help from the Russians to help win the 2016 election.

2) Trump again violated our election and bribery laws in and attempt to win the 2020 election when he strong arm Ukraine to get dirt on Biden.

3) Trump University and the Trump foundation were both frauds.

4) Trump’s casino was hit with 10 million dollar fine for money laundering.

5) Trump was fined for Housing Discrimination.

6) Trump has violated the law to get loans and to avoid taxes.

7) Trump’s corruption of federal offices has put American lives at risk.

8) Under Trump, his administration has violated the Hatch Act on multiple occasions.

No man of god would do the things Trump has done and will do if he is given another four years.

In the bible, Trump would be considered a money changer not a man of god. No man of god would violate our laws the way Trump has. No man of god would have done what Trump did for a photo op. Trump used the police, the park police, mounted police, secret service, the army, flash-bang grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets to violate the 1st amendment rights of peaceful unarmed protester so Trump AKA Bunker Boy could have a photo op in front of the church. Trump held up a bible but did not have a clue what to do with it. A man of god would have known how to hold it and would have read a passage from it.

Over a thousand Americans a day are dying, chaos in the streets, corruption in the White House and almost all Federal agencies under Trump. Trump is not a man of god Trump is the snake in the poem he likes to quote. God warned us about false prophets America had better wake up before Damien the antichrist (Donald J. Trump) destroys the American way of life. Trump’s corruption has made America a third world country. Trump is willing to cheat to win the election this is not something a man of god would do. We cannot give Trump another four year we need to vote out Trump and his enablers before it is too late to save America from the corruption and chaos trump has caused. Trump may not be Damien the Antichrist but the amount the damage he has done, will do and can do is just as scary.

Donald J. Trump tried to rig the election, then tried to steal it the in the courts and incited sedition and insurrection in an attempted coup d’état.

Before the Trump-Ukraine Affair there was the Trump-Russia Affair, Donald J. Trump, his son and an unknown number of people from the Trump campaign may have conspired (colluded) with the Russians to help elect Donald J. Trump. The Trump-Ukraine Affair should make you rethink the Trump-Russia Affair. The lie then was it was about adaptions the lie this time is it was about corruption.

By Robin Abcarian Columnist

Over the past two weeks, the competing visions of President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have been laid out — starkly — and the narrow slice of undecided voters will have to settle on what kind of country they want. Do they want an America that strives toward racial justice and equality, that values its place in the community of nations, that will work to reverse the catastrophic effects of climate change? Or do they want four more years of chaos ?

Trump’s performance over the past 3½ years has made it clear that his greatest passion is himself, which means he is loyal only to those who are loyal to him, a group that includes his white base and selected international despots. His tax cuts have benefited the very richest, his wall on the Southern border remains unfinished, an entirely foreseeable pandemic caught him unawares, the economy has tanked, millions of Americans are unemployed and schools, most of them anyway, are shuttered.

He does not even pretend to be the president of all of us, and his best argument against Biden is downright nonsensical. (I want to say “craven,” but I am in danger of overusing that word when I write about Trump.) If Biden is elected, Trump predicts, the country will explode with the kind of racial unrest and protests against police brutality that we saw this summer after a white police officer choked the life out of a Black man, George Floyd. It’s a neat and cynical trick: Vote for me because what’s happening on my watch is unacceptable. Cities run by Democratic mayors and states run by Democratic governors are not going to magically turn into Republican strongholds if Trump is reelected. If they were, they would have done so by now. If Trump is returned to office, expect more of what we’ve seen this summer, not less.

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