Republicans wanted to lock up Clinton but want to give Don the Con a pass for his crimes and his Coup attempt.
Republicans wanted to lock up Clinton but want to give Don the Con a pass for his crimes and his Coup attempt.
Republicans are defending Trump and threating America and Americans in order to protect criminal Don.
A. B. Man III
It is both funny and sad Republicans accuse Democrats of being soft on crimes but when they commit crimes; they want us to take it easy on them or give them a pass. Republicans are threating Americans who are only doing their jobs. They have threatened elections workers, teacher school boards, people who work at the National Archives, the FBI and others.
Republicans are threating civil war if Don the Con is prosecuted. Trump committed crimes if he is found guilty he should go to jail like anyone else who has committed crimes. Republicans wanted Clinton to go jail for far less than what Trump has done but they want to give Don the Con a pass. No man is above law, but Republican believe Trump is, he is not. It Trump is given a pass it will make the next one even worse that Trump, if that is possible.
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