"Seeking liberty and truth above suppression and mendacity!""Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech," said Benjamin Franklin.
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Asian American Politics - See the list of Asian Americans running for federal and state offices at Asian American Candidates. Want us to include an Asian American candidate? Contact us at d33j at yahoo.com Want to maximize your impact? See Close Contests Betty Ong Foundation www.bettyong.org (Stewardess on American Airlines flight 11, the first plane to be hijacked on…CNN Politics - Politics at CNN has news, opinion and analysis of American and global politics Find news and video about elections, the White House, the U.N, Political News, Analysis and Opinion and much more.Constitution Society: Everything needed to decide constitutional issues - Comprehensive collection of constitutional materials, including books, articles, and tools.Democracy.com - The stakes are higher than ever yet our democratic process is broken. But there's hope. The collective will of the people and new technology can move mountains. Find out what you can do to help...Realdemocracy.com - The DCC is a nonpartisan organization. We are against being controlled by the two-party system. We are deeply concerned about much of what the Democratic Party and the Republican Party stand for. In these perilous times there is simply no place for reckless, "win at any cost," party politics at the expense of the American people. We are convinced that, in this age of advancing communications, now is the time to begin a movement to establish direct democracy as described within this Website.Democrats.com - The Aggressive ProgressivesDemocratic Underground - An online community where politically liberal people can do their part to effect political and social change. After more than a decade online, Democratic Underground still hosts the most active liberal discussion board on the Internet. We are an independent website funded by member subscriptions and advertising, and we have no affiliation with the Democratic Party. Democratic Underground is a truly grassroots community where regular members drive the discussion and set the standards. There is no other website quite like it anywhere on the Internet.Epolitics.com - Digital strategy for politics and advocacy.BBC Politics News - breaking news, comment and analysis plus political guides and in-depth special reports on UK and EU politics.FairVote - A nonpartisan champion of electoral reforms that give voters greater choice, a stronger voice, and a representative democracy that works for all Americans.Government & Politics - Our articles on Government and Politics give you an insight into what happens in the corridors of power and how it affects us. They tell you about elections, acts, legislation, and also bring you updates on the latest happenings in the field of politics. What are your rights and duties as a citizen of your country? What measures does your government take against terrorism? How does it fight exploitation, corruption, and other such illegal and unethical practices? Are you aware of the laws made by your government? What rights does the constitution give you? What are the various government loans and grants you can avail of? What's the importance of voting? How socially secure are you? For answers to all such questions and more, keep reading our articles on Government and Politics. They give you an insight into what happens in the corridors of power and how it affects us. They tell you about elections, acts, legislation, and also bring you updates on the latest happenings in the field of politics.History & Politics Out Loud - History, American history, US History, political science, US Government, Political speeches.MoveOn - A community of millions of Americans from all walks of life who use innovative technology to lead, participate in, and win campaigns for progressive change.Political Junkie - Get breaking news stories and important updates.Political Wire - All the political news in one placeThe Guardian Politics - Latest Politics news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice.The Progressive - A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good. - Championing grassroots progressive politics, civil liberties, human rights, economic justice, a healthy environment, and a reinvigorated democracy.Trump Lies - All False statements involving Donald Trump.Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days - It turns out that’s when the president decided to turn on the spigots of false and misleading claims. As of day 558, he’s made 4,229 Trumpian claims — an increase of 978 in just two months. That’s an overall average of nearly 7.6 claims a day. When we first started this project for the president’s first 100 days, he averaged 4.9 claims a day. But the average number of claims per day keeps climbing the longer Trump stays in office. In fact, in June and July, the president averaged 16 claims a day. Put another way: In his first year as president, Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims. Now, just six months later, he has almost doubled that total.TvNewsLIES.org - No Distractions, No Deceptions, No Diversions, No Delusions! Your nonprofit alternative source of news and information! Learn about media deception. Read the news that the TV news networks "forget" to report! There are many ways to lie; distraction, partial truths, etc. The American corporate news media uses many methods to leave the public with a false impression of reality. Learn to spot deception and stay informed of the real news! Don't call us alternative or liberal news, call us legitimate news!University of Virginia Center for Politics The UVA Center for Politics is the nation’s preeminent institution for the study and promotion of civic education and political participation. Government works better when politics works better, and politics works better when citizens are informed and involved participants. The Center for Politics was founded in 1998 by Larry J. Sabato at the University of Virginia to overcome the notion that politics thwarts the proper function of government. We think politics makes public policy more vibrant and makes bureaucracies more responsive. Since our inception we have established annual conferences, publications, programs, and curricula to advance democracy around the world and to equip people to better understand politics and government.
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