"Seeking liberty and truth above suppression and mendacity!""Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech," said Benjamin Franklin.
Everyone has an opinion and the right to speak that opinion our forefathers granted us that right it is called the First Amendment. Read it then discuss it in the Forums.
Welcome to GOP Watch keeping an eye on Republicans for you“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.” ― Theodore RooseveltThe Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan nor is it the Grand Old Party. The GOP is now Good On Propaganda, lies, racism, fake racism, white-grievance, hate, fear, alternative facts (fake facts), whataboutism, fake victimhood, fake outrage, conspiracies, Russian talking points and Russian propaganda. It is official republicans are the anti-American party; republicans are loyal to Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party but not to America, the constitution or the oaths of office they have taken. Republicans, Fox News and right-wing media claim to be patriots but they are not. Real patriots put country first not party; Republicans, Fox News and right-wing media put party first not country, Republicans, Fox News right-wing media claim they are patriots they are not real patriots. The Republican Party is doing some very unpatriotic things and is willing to destroy our democracy using lies, racism, fake racism, white-grievance, hate, fear, alternative facts (fake facts), whataboutism, fake victimhood, fake outrage, conspiracies, Russian talking points and Russian propaganda to divide our country to stay in power and protect a comprised and corrupt Donald J. Trump, the Republican Party, Putin and promote the alt-right agenda.Republicans will tell you anything depending on the day of the week or the way the wind blows. Republicans are the party of hypocrites and schizophrenics. Republicans are ok with it when they do it but are not ok with it when the Democrats do the same thing. Republicans use lies, racism, fake racism, white-grievance, hate, fear, alternative facts (fake facts), whataboutism, fake victimhood, fake outrage, conspiracies, Russian talking points and Russian propaganda to support there fabricated stories. Many of same Republicans who wanted to impeach Clinton protected Trump from obstruction charges, however they are not protecting Americans from Trump, Russia or election interference. There was a time (before Trump) Republicans did not support or trust Russia now that Trump is in office Republicans Russian talking points, Russian propaganda and Putin more than they do America. Republicans love Putin and Russia so much that Republicans, Fox news, right-wing media and some on the right use Russian propaganda to attack democrats and to promote and defend Trump, Putin and the Republican alt-right agenda. Once again, Republicans put party above country. We need to keep an eye on them before they destroy America, as we know it.Republicans helped Donald J. Trump subvert our laws and the will of the people and tried steal the election depriving 81,283,485 Americans of their votes. Trump and Republicans claimed to stop the steal while trying to steal the election. Republicans put party above country to helped Trump with his coup attempt and false claims of voter fraud and a stolen election to stay in power. Republicans attacked our capitol committing sedition and insurrection in an attempt to keep Trump in power as part of the Trump coup attempt. Republicans wanted to harm some of our congressional representatives; they even wanted to hang Mike Pence for doing his job. Republicans have reverted to stealing elections by using voter suppression laws to prevent people from voting to stay in power. Republicans blame Democrats for cancel culture while using cancel culture to cancel everything from the Dixie chicks, French fries, books, Disney and each other. Republicans tell you that it is the Democrats you need to worry about, the Democrats are not the ones you need to worry about it is Republicans. Republicans are the ones who sacked the capitol and attempted a coup; Republicans are the ones you really need to worry about. #Trump, #GOP, #Republican, #VoterSuppression, #VoterIntimidation, #Gerrymandering, #Corruption, #RightWing, #Racism, #Hate, #Russian
How the Republican Party uses Fox News and right-wing media to promote racism, hate, fear, lies, propaganda, alternative facts, Russian talking points, Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories to divide America and promote the radical right's agenda. Fox News and right-wing media are fake news that the Republican Party uses as its propaganda wings. Fox News and Right-Wing media use fake news, racism, hate, fear, lies, propaganda, alternative facts, Russian talking points, Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories to protect Republicans, promote the radical right's agenda, attack Democrats and divide our country.
On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was sacked in a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress in an attempted coup d’état. With help from his allies, Fox News, right-wing media and some in the Republican Party; Donald J. Trump incited insurrection, sedition, attempted a coup d’etat and caused the sacking of the United States Capitol. Donald J. Trump’s coup attempt involved some House members, some Senate members, and Mike Pence overturning the election certification process with the hope that Trump could steal the election and steal the presidency.
Videos of the riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress and the sacking of the United States Capitol. On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was sacked in a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress to overturn the 2020 election in an attempted coup d’état. Some of Donald J. Trump’s MAGA supporters carried out the coup attempt in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and overthrow the government of the United State of America. Some of the insurrectionist came prepared to kidnap and kill some in congress, hang Mike Pence and stop the vote count to keep Trump in power and prevent Biden from becoming president..
Trump enablers in the Republican Party have violated their oath of office to protect Donald J. protect Trump. They say bad men can do bad things if good men do nothing. Trump can do bad things because his Republican enablers will not do anything to stop him they actively help and support him.
Election FraudHow republicans use voter suppression and voter intimidation to steal you vote and gerrymandering to stay in power. In the old days, bad people used threats, sticks, knives and guns to prevent people from voting. Now Republicans remove you from the voter rolls or use voter ID laws to make it harder for some to vote so they can steal the elections and stay in power.
Election InterferenceIn 2016, we had to worry about the Russians interfering in our elections. In 2020 we worried that the Russians would interfere again never did we think that the President of the United States, Fox News, right-wing media, the Republican Party and some in congress would be the ones inferring in our elections and attempting to steal the election. Fox News, right-wing media and some Republicans including some in congress helped Donald J. Trump interfere with the election; subvert the law and the will of the people. They failed in their attempt to steal the election and suppress the votes of 81,283,485 Americans. Donald J. Trump’s coup d’état failed, however the damage that Trump, his allies, Fox News, right-wing media, and the Republican Party have done to our democracy will be long lasting.
Republicans vs Republicans - Republicans are the Epitome of HypocritesRepublicans vs Republicans what Republicans said vs what Republicans said.
Dedicated to Donald J. Trump's (aka Don the Con) time in the White House. We are dedicated to exposing the real Donald J. Trump and shining a light on the threat he is to Democracy and America.
Donald J. Trump drained the swap and filled it with toxic septic tank water. Washington in worse off now than it was before Trump became president. Donald J. Trump and the Trump administration will go down as the worse, most corrupt, comprised and dishonest administration in American history. This page is dedicated to tracking that corruption.
Many other republicans are making asses of themselves and their party to protect and appease Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump has made a mockery of Republican Party. Donald J. Trump has made the Republican Party his flunkies, minions and some his bitches. When he says do something they do it even when they know it is wrong or illegal. They do not care that the oath of office is to America and the constitution not to Donald J. Trump. Republicans put Donald J. Trump before America, the constitution and their oath of office. They are willing to violate their oath of office to protect Donald J. Trump.
Is a threat to free press, free speech, free trade, the rule of law, human rights, human decency, our democracy and the American way of life. Find out more about the real Donald J. Trump (Don The Con).
Tracking the Mueller Investigation into how the Russians infiltrated the Trump campaign and the Republican Party to help get Donald J. Trump elected president of the United States of America.
The Russians have infiltrated the Republican Party, the NRA, white evangelicals and white nationalist in attempt to sow division in America.
By Ivana Kottasová, CNN(CNN) The GOP is starting to look a lot like an autocratic party, a large study into political identity has found. Experts from the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden said the US Republican Party had become more illiberal and populist in recent decades and that its recent retreat from democratic norms has left it resembling authoritarian ruling parties like Hungary's Fidesz and Turkey's AKP. "What we see is that the disrespect of political opponents, the encouragement of violence and also the violation of minority rights ... they have all clearly increased with the Republican Party in recent years, since [President Donald Trump] came in the leadership but also before that," Anna Luehrmann, V-Dem's deputy director and one of the lead authors of the study, told CNN. The US Democratic party has not shown a similar shift towards illiberalism, according to the study. more...
Rudy Giuliani From Prince to VillainFrom a hard nose prosecutor, to America’s mayor, to a right wing conspiracy nut and now a criminal suspect the rise and fall of Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani along with Trump are using Russian talking points to promote Russia’s version of interference in the 2016 election. You have to question were their allegiance are to America or to Russia, more and more it looks like their allegiance is to Russia and not to America.
Mitch McConnell (aka Moscow Mitch) Trump enabler helping Russia more than AmericaMitch McConnell (aka Moscow Mitch) is a Trump enabler who has done more to protect and enable Trump and help Russia than he has done to help America and protect the constitution.
Jerry Falwell Jr. Greed, Sex, Racism, Sexism and HomophobiaJerry Falwell Jr. is pushing greed, racism, sexism and homophobia instead of the word of the god. God warns us of false prophets.
Co-author of "How Democracies Die" says the GOP is ready to seize power. But they might not be able to keep itBy Dean ObeidallahIt can happen here. The "it" ought to be obvious by now: an authoritarian or even fascist regime in the United States. That was a big reason why Harvard professor Steven Levitsky, along with his colleague Daniel Ziblatt, published the 2018 book "How Democracies Die." They wanted to warn Americans of the dangerous signs they saw in Donald Trump's presidency that followed the authoritarian playbook. In a nutshell, Levitsky believes the threat to our democracy is more acute today than when Trump was in the White House, since the GOP is desperate to retain its fading power in the face of hostile demographic change. more...
By Jason LemonThe nonpartisan States United Democracy Center outlined Republican efforts to "subvert" free and fair elections, highlighting that more than 260 bills to interfere with elections have been put forward in states across the country, in a year-end report released this week. Former President Donald Trump and right-wing allies falsely claim that the 2020 election was "rigged" or "stolen" in favor of President Joe Biden. Pro-Trump Republicans have used that conspiracy theory to justify new voting and election reform legislation, which critics have warned could undermine the democratic process. more...
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